CRE8 was founded in 2013. The current board consists of 3 members:
Hans Slijp: chairman
Hans is owner of consultancy Jaha Management BV and enjoys starting up, financing and assisting in innovative projects.
Hella Masuger: treasurer
Hella is director of Stichting Zwerfjongeren (a homeless youth foundation) and is closely involved in the support of disadvantaged youth.
Deborah Nas: secretary
Deborah is founder and partner at Sunidee and inspires other companies to search for and find innovative strategies and innovation in products, services and marketing.
CRE8 Foundation seeks and receives financial support from charity foundations like Stichting DOEN, SKAN fonds, VSB fonds and Fonds21. These are used to facilitate the operational activities of CRE8 Social Venture by means of offering workshop space and technical equipment. The CRE8 Foundation is also a contract partner for social institutions that focus on offering day care projects for youngsters who experience barriers to entering the labour market.
CRE8 Foundation is a Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI): Members of the board have no decisive say on the capital: the members receive no reward for policy making activities. The accountability for the executed activities in 2016 and 2017 can be found here and the financial accountability for 2017 here.
CRE8 Foundation has an up-to-date policy stating the ambition to start providing more workshops at different geographical locations. The policy also outlines a method where the operational activities are executed by a third party in a commercial setting. The financial objective in this is to be able to run a CRE8 workshop independently after a couple of years, excluding the social coaching programs, in order for CRE8 Foundation to have room to exploit new workshop activities. The policy can be found here.
RSIN: 853554146
Rechtsvorm: Stichting
Statutaire naam: Stichting CRE8
Statutaire zetel: Amsterdam
Bezoekadres: Westerdoksdijk 597, 1013 BX, Amsterdam
Telefoonnummer: 020-7521883
If you would like to support the CRE8 Foundation in establishing new CRE8 workshops in order to help disadvantaged youngsters getting their lives back on track, you are more than welcome to make a donation. For this you can either donate directly using the following bank account number or contact us at CRE8.
Bank account number CRE8 Foundation:
NL25 RABO 0157162788