Are you looking for a unique award, cup or prize? Much that is offered in the market is standard and impersonal. CRE8 designs and makes something very special and personal for you. With the various techniques we have in house, we achieve beautiful results and satisfied customers every time. Our techniques enable us to provide customization, not only for a single piece, but also for a small series.
Many companies and organizations sometimes hold (internal) elections, contests or competitions. From “Employee of the Month” to “Best Book, Movie or Play”. A standard metal goblet with engraving is an option, but a custom design is of course much more fun. We offer a wide range of possible materials, from wood, plexiglass to bioplastic, and for every budget.
Below we show an overview of different types of awards, with corresponding dimensions, materials and prices. But a custom made award is of course also possible!

Material: Plexiglas
Dimensions: +/- 20 x 20 cm
Design: €60
Price/Award: €40
Material: Plexiglas & Oak
Dimensions: +/- 20 x 20 cm
Design: €60
Price/Award: €60
Material: Plexiglas
Dimensions: +/- 20 x 20 cm
Design: €100
Price/Award: €80
Material: Plexiglas
Dimensions: +/- 20 x 20 cm
Design: €200
Price/Award: €300
Material: Bioplastic & Oak
Dimensions: +/- 20 x 20 cm
Design: €100
Price/Award: €60
Material: Oak & Cardboard
Dimensions: +/- 30 x 30 cm
Design: €80
Price/Award: €80
Material: In consultation
Dimensions: In consultation
Design: €?
Price/Award: €?
The design of the award can be created in various ways. You may already have a great idea, but otherwise a logo, subject or opportunity will provide us with enough inspiration to come up with a design. If desired, we can make multiple designs for you to choose the most beautiful and best fitting.
If you are interested, please contact us.
In particular, the complexity and size of the award or prize determine the costs. We often work on the basis of a fixed budget and work towards an optimal price/quality ratio. 3D printing and laser cutting each offer their own unique possibilities, for us it is the art to make optimal use of this. We have many returning customers who need another award a year later. That’s no problem at all, we will only calculate the costs for making the award.